- Tap on the RSS feed to open the news site
- Tap on the notification to open it or click on the x to close it and see the next one
- New Black Clock Komponent that will also be in the Komponents folder
- Music player
- Weather
- Basic Apps
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
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I won't be adding maps to my walls anymore so I made a komponent and widget. You can change the colors in the globals for the whole m...
My Google Frog weather komponent. It changes background depending on the weather. Date and time Current weather condition High and L...
16:9 18:9 1 page Animated weather for main weather conditions Music player uses extracted colors for preset elements News feed can ...
Just a fun wallpaper with cute animations. ( 1080x1920/16:9 - 18:9 ) Animated Mario and Fire Flower Time,Date and Todays event...
2 pages 16:9 18:9 News magazine with 4 RSS feeds. Tap on the feed to go to the full story. The URL can be changed in globals. You...